Friday, May 2, 2014

Integrating Crime Victims' Issues into University and College Curricula

On May 1, the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) announced the release of "Integrating Crime Victims' Issues into College and University Curricula," a series of multidisciplinary educational model materials designed to broaden college and university students' exposure to and awareness of criminal victimization and its impact on victims and teach them about helpful responses when encountering victims. This free online resource (available at: consists of curriculum kits and teaching materials, including class exercises and sample assignments; a faculty involvement guide with steps for creating a supportive learning environment for students and responding to student experiences with victimization; and templates of internship agreements to increase undergraduate and graduate student placements in victim services. The overall goal of the curriculum is to provide comprehensive and quality education and training materials to educate future victim service providers and allied professionals by integrating victims' issues into the Nation's educational system and to professionalize the field of victim services.

The College of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University is ahead of the curve in several respects. Victimology is a required course for our undergraduate criminal justice majors, recognizing that individuals working in all areas of the criminal justice system interact regularly with victims and should have some understanding of victimization and related issues. SHSU is also one of very few universities to have a specific undergraduate degree in Victim Studies, as well as a master's degree program designed for victim service professionals (MS Victim Services Management online). You can find more information about SHSU's Victim Studies/Services programs at

Thursday, May 1, 2014

New Campus Safety Mobile App

Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) has recently launched Texas Safety University (TX Safety U), a free app available on iOS and Android. Through this app, students, faculty, staff, and other members of campus communities can quickly access customized contact information, including campus and community resources available to those who have experienced sexual assault, dating, violence, domestic violence or stalking. As is apparent from the study reported here, this is a necessary and welcome resource to assist students and others in finding the resources they need. The TX Safety U app is available to download at the Google Play and iTunes Store and may be accessed at:

Sexual Assault Report Series

CVI is producing a series of reports on sexual assault, including campus sexual assault, Title IX and other guidelines, and criminal justice system response to perpetrators and survivors. The first report in the series will provide an overview of sexual assault. Additional reports will further explore more specific issues and will highlight research conducted by CVI and its affiliated faculty and students.

Victoria Camp received the Defensor Pacem Award

Victoria (Torie) Camp is the former Deputy Director of the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA). Torie has been a member of the Crime Victims' Institute Advisory Board since 2010 and led several major campaigns at TAASA, including an adult entertainment fee to fund sexual assault programs and services and the development of legislation to eliminate the backlog of untested rape kits in police evidence room. At TAASA, she served as a tireless advocate for sexual assault survivors and was involved with public policy initiatives, special projects and day-to-day operations.

Torie spearheaded a legislative effort to create a statewide Task Force on Campus Sexual Assault, and although the bill did not pass, the effort produced a number of research projects, presentations and grant proposals by the Crime Victims' Institute (CVI) to address the issue in the state, including a statewide training on Title IX and Campus Sexual Assault. Her efforts have helped CVI gain a reputation as a leading research authority on the topic.

Torie holds a bachelor's degree from Colorado State University and a master's from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.